B.S. Biology, University of Utah Ph.D. Biology, University of Utah
PUBLICATIONS (*co-first author)
Guo, J.S., Bush, S.E.*, Hultine, K.R. (2022) Temporal variation in stomatal sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit in western riparian forests. Functional Ecology 36(7): 1599-1611.
Blasini, D.E., Koepke, D.F., Bush,S.E., Allan, G.J., Gehring, C.A., Whitman, T.G., Day, T.A., Hultine, K.R. (2022) Tradeoffs between leaf cooling and hydraulic safety in a dominant arid land riparian tree species. Plant, Cell & Environment 45(6): 1664-1681.
Hultine, K., Dehn, D., Bush, S., Acharya, K., D'Antonio, C., Dudley, T., Healey, J., Hull, J., Koepke, D., Long, R., Potts, D. (2021) Episodic defoliation rapidly reduces starch but not soluble sugars in an invasive shrub, Tamarix spp. American Journal of Botany 108(8): 1343-1353.
Bush, S.E., Guo, J.S., Dehn, D., Grady, K.C., Hull, J.B., Johnson, E., Koepke, D.F., Long, R.W., Potts, D.L., Hultine, K.R. (2021) Adaptive versus non-adaptive responses to drought in a non-native riparian tree/shrub, Tamarix spp. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 301-302(2): 108342.
Long, R.W., Dudley, T.L., D'Antonio, C.M., Grady, K.C., Bush, S.E., Hultine, K.R. (2021) Spenders versus savers: Climate-induced carbon allocation trade-offs in a recently introduced woody plant. Functional Ecology 35(8): 1640-1654.
Hultine, K.R., Froend, R., Blasini, D., Bush, S.E., Karlinski, M., Koepke, D.F. (2019) Hydraulic traits that buffer deep-rooted plants from changes in hydrology and climate. Hydrological Processes doi: 10.1002/hyp.13587.
Hultine, K.R., Bush, S.E., Ward, J.K., Dawson, T.E. (2018) Does sexual dimorphism predispose dioecious riparian trees to sex ratio imbalances under climate change? Oecologia 187: 921-931.
Mitchell, L.E., Lin, J.C., Bowling, D.R., Pataki, D.E., Strong, C., Schauer, A.J., Bares, R., Bush, S.E., Stephens, B.B., Mendoza, D., Mallia, D., Holland, L., Gurney, K.R., Ehleringer, J.R. (2018) Long-term urban carbon dioxide observations reveal spatial and temporal dynamics related to urban characteristics and growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 2912-2917.
Mouteva, G.O., Randerson, J.T., Fahrni, S.M., Bush, S.E., Ehleringer, J.R., Xu, X., Santos, G.M., Kuprov, R., Schichtel, B.A., Czimczik, C.I. (2017) Using radiocarbon to constrain black and organic carbon aerosol sources in Salt Lake City. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres doi: 10.1002/2017JD026519
Long, R., Bush, S., Grady, K., Smith, D., Potts, D., D’Antonio, C., Dudley, T., Fehlberg, S., Gaskin, J., Glenn, E., Hultine, K. (2017) Can local adaptation explain varying patterns of herbivory tolerance in a recently introduced tree/shrub in North America? Conservation Physiology doi: 10.1093/conphys/cox016.
Hopkins, F.M., Ehleringer, J.R., Bush, S.E., Duren, R.M., Miller, C.E., Lai, C.-T., Hsu, Y.-K., Carranza, V., Randerson J.T. (2016) Mitigation of methane emissions in cities: how new measurements and partnerships can contribute to emissions reduction strategies. Earth's Futures 4: 408-425.
Hopkins, F.M., Kort, E.A., Bush, S.E., Ehleringer, J.R., Lai, C., Blake, D.R., Randerson, J.T. (2016) Spatial patterns and source attribution of urban methane in the Los Angeles Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres doi: 10.1002/2016/EF000381.
Bush, S.E., Hopkins, F.M., Lai, C., Randerson, J.T., Ehleringer, J.R. (2015) A mobile laboratory for continuous measurement of atmospheric trace-gas and pollutant species: design and applications. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8: 3481-3492.
von Allmen, E.I., Sperry, J.S., Bush, S.E. (2015) Contrasting whole-tree water use, hydraulics, and growth in a co-dominant diffuse-porous vs. ring-porous species pair. Trees – Structure and Function 29: 717-728.
Taylor, A.J., Lai, C., Hopkins, F.M., Wharton, S., Bible, K., Xiaomei, X., Randerson, J.T., Bush, S., Ehleringer, J.R. (2015) Radiocarbon-based partitioning of soil respiration in an old-growth coniferous forest. Ecosystems 18: 459-470.
Hultine K.R., Bush SE. (2011) Ecohydrological consequences of non-native riparian vegetation in the southwestern US: a review from an ecohydrological perspective. Water Resources Research 47: W07542.
Bush, S.E., Hultine, K.R., Sperry, J.S., Ehleringer, J.R. (2010) Calibration of thermal dissipation sap flow probes for ring- and diffuse-porous trees. Tree Physiology 30: 1545-1554.
Hultine K.R., Nagler, P.L., Morino, Bush, S.E., Burtch, K.G., Dennison, P.E., Glenn, E.P., Ehleringer, J.R. (2010) Sap-flux scaled transpiration by Tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) before, during and after episodic defoliation by the saltcedar leaf beetle (Diorhabda carinulata). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150: 1467-1475.
Hultine, K.R., Bush, S.E., Ehleringer, J.R. (2010) Ecophysiology of riparian cottonwood and willow before, during and after two years of soil water removal. Ecological Applications 20: 347-361.
Hultine, K.R., Bush, S.E., West, A.G., Burtch, K.G., Pataki, D.E., Ehleringer, J.R. (2008) Gender-specific patterns of aboveground allocation, canopy conductance and water use in a dominant riparian tree species: Acer negundo. Tree Physiology 28(9): 1383-1394.
Li, Y.Y., Sperry, J.S., Taneda, H., Bush, S.E., Hacke, U.G. (2008) Evaluation of centrifugal methods for measuring xylem cavitation in confers, diffuse- and ring-porous angiosperms. New Phytologist 177(2): 558-568.
West A.G., Hultine, K.R., Sperry, J.S., Bush, S.E., Ehleringer, J.R. (2008) Transpiration and hydraulic strategies in a piñon-juniper woodland. Ecological Applications 18(4): 911-927.
Bush, S.E., Pataki, D.E., Ehleringer, J.R. (2007) Sources of variation in d13C of fossil fuel emissions in Salt Lake City, USA. Applied Geochemistry 22(4): 715-723.
Hultine, K.R., Bush, S.E., West, A.G., Ehleringer, J.R. (2007) Population structure, physiology and ecohydrological impacts of dioecious riparian tree species of western North America. Oecologia 154(1): 85-93.
Hultine, K.R., Bush, S.E., West, A.G., Ehleringer, J.R. (2007) Effect of gender on sap-flux-scaled transpiration in a dominant riparian tree species: Box elder (Acer negundo). Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 112 (G3): Art. No. G03S06.
Pataki, D.E., Bush, S.E., Gardner, P., Solomon, D.K., Ehleringer, J.R. (2005) Ecohydrology in a Colorado River riparian forest: Implications for the decline of Populus fremontii. Ecological Applications 15(3): 1009-1018.
Pataki, D.E., Bush, S.E., Ehleringer, J.R. (2005) Stable isotopes as a tool in urban ecology. In Stable isotopes and biosphere-atmosphere interactions: Processes and biological controls. Flanagan LB, Ehleringer JR, Pataki DE, Eds. Elsevier Press, San Diego.